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British Schoolgirls' Races 2026

25th to 28th January 2026


All entries must be made via our on-line system and payment made by  BACS.


Please note - to guarantee a place please complete your entry form and pay as soon as possible. It doesn't matter at this stage if you don't have the names of your team finalised. An entry is not accepted until payment is received.


Please read all of this page - and familiarise yourself with the BSR Rules which can be downloaded here.


FORM 1 - ENTRY form

We are sorry but our entry is now closed as we have reached the maximum number of teams we can handle.


Please email Shell Thomas-Quaile  for further information - email here



Please click here to access the Team Details form. This must be submitted by Friday 10th January 2025 at the latest, please.




Please click here to access this form


Please click here to sort out your training requirements during the event using ESF instructors.


FORM 5 - if you need to hire skis and boots



Please click here to download the ski and boot hire form with full details.

The skis or boots will be available from Simond Sport (please see the map on this website to find Simond Sport who are in Flaine Forum)

If you need more information please email Sophie at or telephone her at   0033 (0)

Credit card details must be given but will not be charged until you arrive.

FORM 6 - T Shirts and Extra T Shirts

Please click here to access this form

For every team entered there are free t-shirts. If you have reserves (or anyone accompanying the group would like an event t-shirt) and would like to purchase additional t-shirts please mark this down on the form. The t-shirts are unisex sizes. Please enter the sizes of your team members so we can set aside the correct T Shirts. We need this form back by 1st December 2025. If we do not have the form t shirts will be handed out on a first come first served basis.



If you need help with accommodation please contact Kathleen Crowe or Rebecca Dodson at Erna Low

Tel 020 75842 841

Email or




It is mandatory to have ski insurance

Please ensure all athletes are insured to compete while abroad.

McGregor insurance provides insurance for ski racers and may be able to provide your insurance cover.


David McGregor 01243-551 448

Transfer to Flaine from Geneva Airport

There are two main options

Go-Massif -

Please book on their website! Sadly they are no longer offering us a discount 

The price is approx €290  (between €200-350 depending on whether shared or private) and is per journey but will vary with time of day and amount of people. 


Their vans take 8 passengers which should suit most schools (book this as a shared transfer as it is cheaper). We suggest that schools should make arrangements between themselves if only a few people are travelling as that will save cost and waiting time.

This year they will only pick up from flights that are landing before 21.05 ie to include the Manchester and Bristol flights at this time.


They are offering a private service to Flaine

Cost €315 per transfer seating up to 8 - after 8pm it is a little more.

Bookings directly with the office - The Mountain Drop-offs Team can be contacted on +442070434874 or +33450471773



You'll find all the downloadable files for British Schoolgirls' Races 2025 here.


Please check back regularly to see if there are either any further documents or any documents have been updated. 


1. BSR Rules (updated for 2025)


2. Photo Opt Out Form

3. Athlete's Declaration

4. Gatekeeper guidance notes

5. Team Order form





Competitors must be 12 by the 1st January 2025. Teams should be composed of THREE skiers who must be in full time education and all attend the SAME school. Teams can bring reserves but only the three girls finally chosen can race in the main events. This can differ from Slalom to GS. However nominated reserves are allowed in parallel slalom and in the main event in case of injury confirmed by a doctor.


Athlete’s Declaration:


Athlete’s Declaration forms must be signed by all girls not registered with BASS (British Alpine Seeding System) for snow or BARTS for artificial slopes. If the competitor is under 18 the Athlete’s Declaration must be counter-signed by their parent/guardian. These should be completed and returned by email to  by 10th January. PLEASE NOTE that a competitor will not be allowed to race if this form has not been received.


Download this form from here 




Under 14 – Year of Birth (YoB) 2011-2012


Under 16 – YoB 2009-2010


Under 18 - YoB 2007-2008


Under 21- YoB 2004-2006




Entries are accepted as follows:

Each school is allowed two guaranteed team entries into the event.

Each school may submit an additional 3 teams that are classed as non-guaranteed entries.

Non-guaranteed entries are likely to be accepted for the event but in the interest of fairness these will be confirmed following the entry closing date.




No places will be held without payment of FULL race entry fee and completed entry form. Race entry cancellations will only be refunded before 31st October 2024. 


Gate Judges:


It is a condition of entry that each School/Club provides at least ONE Gate Judge per team. If a School has been allowed to enter a second team a further Gate Judge must be provided.




Photographs will be taken by accredited photographers during the event. If any competitor does not consent to the use or publication of their image for publicity purposes they should download, complete and return the Opt-Out Form which can be accessed by clicking here.


Child Protection:

The LSC has a child protection policy. Please note that in entering the event you are agreeing to all the conditions set out in the LSC child protection document.


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